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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

How to automatically dial a broadband PPPoE connection in Windows 10

  • October 16, 2018
  • by
In a previous tutorial we've shown you how to set, configure and connect to a broadband PPPoE connection in Windows 10. While the whole process of connecting is easy, it does need to be performed manually, each time you want to connect to the Internet. That also means that you have to manually start your broadband PPPoE connection each time you boot your Windows 10 computer. That's an extra step that many of our readers won't want to make and we would like to share a way to make a Windows 10 computer automatically dial a broadband PPPoE connection, during startup. We've looked for a method that works well and here it is:
NOTE: In this guide, we assume that you have already created and configured a broadband PPPoE connection on your Windows 10 computer. If you did not, you might want to check this tutorial first: How To Setup And Use PPPoE Internet Connections In Windows 10.
In order to make your Windows 10 computer automatically dial your broadband PPPoE connection each time it starts, you will have to go through a few steps that involve setting a scheduled task:

Step 1. Launch the Task Scheduler in Windows 10

First, you need to start the Task Scheduler. A fast way to do that is to use Cortana's search box. Use it to type the words "task scheduler" and then, from the list of search results, click or tap Task Scheduler.
Windows 10, PPPoE, automatic, dial, startup
You can also launch Task Scheduler from the Start Menu. Open All apps , go to Windows Administrative Tools and click or tap on Task Scheduler.
Windows 10, PPPoE, automatic, dial, startup
If you prefer using the traditional Control Panel , you can launch Task Scheduler by going to: Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools.
Windows 10, PPPoE, automatic, dial, startup
Regardless of the method you chose to follow in order to launch the Task Scheduler , this is what you should get:
Windows 10, PPPoE, automatic, dial, startup

Step 2. Schedule the automatic dial of a broadband PPPoE connection, each time you log into Windows 10

Now you have to schedule the automatic dial of your broadband PPPoE connection, each time you log into Windows 10.
In the Task Scheduler , click or tap on the Create Basic Task… option from the right side of the window.
Windows 10, PPPoE, automatic, dial, startup
This action will open the Create Basic Task Wizard.
The first thing you need to do is enter a name for your task. The name we used, for instance, is "Auto Dial - Broadband Connection". If you want, you can also enter a Description , but that's entirely optional. Then, press Next.
Windows 10, PPPoE, automatic, dial, startup
Next, you must choose when the scheduled task will be triggered. To make your broadband PPPoE connection dial automatically, each time you log into Windows 10, you should select the "When I log on"option. Then, press Next.
Windows 10, PPPoE, automatic, dial, startup
And now comes the most important part of the schedule wizard - choosing the action to be run. As we want to automatically dial a broadband PPPoE connection, we must find a way to tell that to Windows 10. Start by choosing to "Start a program".
Windows 10, PPPoE, automatic, dial, startup
Once you press Next , the wizard will ask you what Program / Script you want to execute on a scheduled basis.
In order to make Windows 10 automatically dial a broadband PPPoE connection, when you log into your Windows 10 computer, you must enter the following information:
  1. In the "Program/script" field, enter the command: rasdial.
  2. In the "Add arguments (optional)" field, enter the name of your broadband PPPoE connection, between quotation marks, followed by your broadband connection username and password, each with a space before them. For instance, let's say that your broadband PPPoE connection has the default name of Broadband Connection, your username is NY123456, and your broadband connection password is NewYork. In such a case, the "Add arguments (optional)" field should contain this text: "Broadband Connection" NY123456 NewYork.
  3. Leave the "Start in (optional)" field empty.
Windows 10, PPPoE, automatic, dial, startup
Then, once you press the Next button, the Create Basic Task Wizard will give you a summary of your newly created scheduled task. Check that everything is OK and click or tap Finish.
Windows 10, PPPoE, automatic, dial, startup
When you close the wizard, you will be brought back to the main Task Scheduler console, where you can see that your new task has been added to the list of scheduled tasks.
Windows 10, PPPoE, automatic, dial, startup

Step 3. Reboot your Windows 10 computer or device

Finally, all you there's left for you to do is reboot your Windows 10 device and see how your newly scheduled task is run . Note that, depending on how fast the dialing process is performed, when you log into your Windows 10 computer, you might briefly see a window similar to the one below.
Windows 10, PPPoE, automatic, dial, startup
The broadband PPPoE connection should now be automatically dialed each time you log into Windows 10.


While it does require some advanced steps for you to t ake , configuring Windows 10 so that it automatically dials a broadband PPPoE connection when you log in can be done by anyone, if you follow this guide carefully. Once you've created your scheduled task, everything should work well and you'll get almost instant Internet access each time you log into Windows 10. If you have any questions or issues, you can always get in touch with us using the comments form below.


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